Research Symposium Papers

Trojan War by Homer: Retaliation, Narrative Order, and Cretan Focus

Citation with persistent identifier: Zecchin de Fasano, Graciela. “Trojan War by Homer: Retaliation, Narrative Order, and Cretan Focus.” CHS Research Bulletin 2, no. 2 (2014). Introduction* 1§1 The retaliation war (Trojan War), the internal war of a genos for power and heritage (Theban War), the war for identity (Persian… Read more

Reclining with Callinus and Tyrtaeus: Martial Elegy in the Symposion

Citation with persistent identifier: Cazzato, Vanessa. “Reclining with Callinus and Tyrtaeus: Martial Elegy in the Symposion.” CHS Research Bulletin 2, no. 2 (2014). §1 That martial elegy, like all shorter elegy, belonged to (some form of) the symposion has become a matter of scholarly orthodoxy since… Read more

Placing the Muses: Eumelus fragments 34–35 (West)*

Citation with persistent identifier: Tsagalis, Christos. “Placing the Muses: Eumelus fragments 34–35 (West).” CHS Research Bulletin 2, no. 2 (2014). §1 After the work of Will (1955) on the Corinthiaca, the editions by Bernabé (1987), Davies (1988), and West (2003), and the studies by West (2002)… Read more