Research Symposium Papers

Live Webcast: April 2015 Research Symposium

Join us on Friday, April 24 for a live webcast of the biannual Center for Hellenic Studies Research Symposium! The stream will be available at No special software is required. Persons interested in watching the stream should click on the link above and the stream will play in… Read more

Poetic Authority and the Utility of Reproduction in Hesiod’s Theogony and Works and Days

Citation with persistent identifier: Hong, Yurie. “Poetic Authority and the Utility of Reproduction in Hesiod’s Theogony and Works and Days.” CHS Research Bulletin 3, no. 1 (2014). 1§1 Between the Theogony’s pronouncement that women are a “beautiful evil,” who “consume other people’s labor into their bellies” (Theogony 585,… Read more

Silence and Rumor as Rhetorical Strategies in Basil’s Letters

Citation with persistent identifier: Fowler, Ryan, and Quiroga-Puertas, Alberto. “Silence and Rumor as Rhetorical Strategies in Basil’s Letters.” CHS Research Bulletin 3, no. 1 (2014). §1 In this paper, we analyze the relationship between silence and rumor in the letters of Basil of Caesarea (329 or 330-379 CE), one… Read more

Minoan Communities and Commemorative Practices: The Late Prepalatial to Protopalatial Tholos Tomb A at Apesokari/Crete

Citation with persistent identifier: Flouda, Georgia. “Minoan Communities and Commemorative Practices: The Late Prepalatial to Protopalatial Tholos Tomb A at Apesokari/Crete.” CHS Research Bulletin 3, no. 1 (2014). 1§1 Charged with emotional content, the burial of the deceased is cross-culturally one of the social events that create… Read more

A Stroll along the Sea: The Processional Way in Ephesus and the Littoral

Citation with persistent identifier: Feuser, Stefan. “A Stroll along the Sea: The Processional Way in Ephesus and the Littoral.” CHS Research Bulletin 3, no. 1 (2014). 1§1 Port cities played an essential role in the history of the ancient Mediterranean[1]. Due to their location they were… Read more