Research Symposium Papers

Abstract–The Control of Emotion: Rhetorical Education and Civic Oratory in the Greco-Roman East

This paper focuses on the early stages of ancient rhetorical education, as a foundation for exploring the emotions involved in the composition and reception of ancient speeches in the Greek East of the Roman Empire in the early centuries AD. It concentrates on the progymnasmata, preliminary exercises in rhetorical composition, as evidenced by… Read more

Abstract–Minoan Communities and Commemorative Practices: the Late Prepalatial to Protopalatial Tholos Tomb A at Apesokari/Crete

The presentation examines the communal Tholos Tomb A at Apesokari in south-central Crete as the diachronic locus of the commemorative practices employed by one of the kinship groups of the community inhabiting the nearby habitation site on Vigla hill. The commemorative practices are reconstructed through the layout and the burial… Read more