
Women in medicine: an epigraphic research

The current study presents 28 epigraphic testimonies of women who practice medicine in a wide geographic area, such as: Attica, Macedonia, Thrace, Asia Minor and Hispania, from 3rd century BCE to 6th century CE, outlining at the same time the different terms used to articulate and refer to the medical… Read more

Aristotle’s Metaphysics of Modality

Citation with persistent identifier: Aimar, Simona. “Aristotle’s Metaphysics of Modality.” CHS Research Bulletin 8 (2020). The Project We often know what has to be the case in the world for a claim to be true. For instance, we know that the claim (1)  It is raining… Read more

Ars Brevis: Temporal and Exegetical Compressions in Greco-Roman and Islamicate Medicine

Citation with persistent identifier: Das, Aileen. “Ars Brevis: Temporal and Exegetical Compressions in Greco-Roman and Islamicate Medicine.” CHS Research Bulletin 8 (2020). My previous work on the medieval Islamicate reception of Plato’s Timaeus, which circulated in Arabic through the Greek physician Galen’s (d. c. 217 CE) summary of the dialogue, has… Read more

The Legacy of Ancient Greek Ideals at Times of Environmental Crisis: Heritage, Democracy and Art in Southern Italy and Greece

Citation with persistent identifier: Pellegrino, Manuela. “The Legacy of Ancient Greek Ideals at Times of Environmental Crisis: Heritage, Democracy and Art in Southern Italy and Greece.” CHS Research Bulletin 8 (2020). In October 2018, I applied to the Center for Hellenic Studies with a project with the provisional title, “The Legacy… Read more

Wise Citizens and Other Arguments for the Defense of Democracy in Aristotle’s Politics

Citation with persistent identifier: Tsouni, Georgia. “Wise Citizens and Other Arguments for the Defense of Democracy in Aristotle’s Politics.” CHS Research Bulletin 7 (2019). Abstract The Aristotelian notion of phronesis has received a lot of scholarly attention in recent years. Less studied is the role that phronesis plays in Aristotle’s political… Read more