Volume 9 of the CHS Research Bulletin contains project reports submitted by the fellows who conducted research at the Center for Hellenic Studies during the 2020-21 academic year.
Persistent identifier for this issue: http://nrs.harvard.edu/urn-3:hlnc.jissue:CHS_Research_Bulletin.Vol_09.2021
Fellowship Project Reports
“‘Entwining Greek with Asian Speech’: Studies on Timotheus of Miletus’ The Persians”
Milena Anfosso
“Refugees and Immigrants in Greco-Roman Myth and Literature: The Case of Teucer”
Theodore Antoniadis
“Botanical Knowledge and Vegetal Poetics in Archaic and Classical Greek Poetry”
Alessandro Buccheri
“Phoenicians Among Others: How Migration and Mobility Transformed the Mediterranean”
Denise Demetriou
“Jewish Poets, Greek Poetry: Contextualizing Jewish-Greek Poetry as Post-Classical Literature”
Marieke Dhont
“In Times of War and Crisis: Regional Identities and Greek Archaeology”
Aimee Genova
“Musical evidence for low boundary tones in ancient Greek”
Dieter Gunkel
“The Foundations of Stoic Physics”
Ian Hensley
“The Reception of American Literature in Greece in the Long 1960s and the Perception of Greece in the Poetry of the Beats”
Maria Nikolopoulou
“An Early End to Antiquity in Roman Provincial Greece: Pagans and Christians in the Wake of the AD 365 Earthquake in Messene”
Nikos Tsivikis