Volume 12

Volume 12 of the CHS Research Bulletin contains project reports submitted by the fellows who conducted research at the Center for Hellenic Studies and the Center for Hellenic Studies in Greece during the 2023-24 academic year.

Persistent identifier for this issue: https://nrs.harvard.edu/URN-3:HLNC.JISSUE:104275534.

Fellowship Project Reports

“The Sapphic Aphrodite: A Multifaceted (ποικιλόθρονος) Divinity”
Ioannis Karakirisidis

“Household is the Machine: Demarcating the Spatial Layout and Social Agency of Late Cypriot Households”
Chara Theotokatou

“Leo Strauss’ Xenophon: The Two Ways of Life”
Despina Vertzagia