
From Grave Circle A to the Hellenistic Theater: The Birth of Agamemnon’s Legend on the West Slope of Mycenae

Citation with persistent identifier: Paschalidis, Constantinos. “From Grave Circle A to the Hellenistic Theater: The Birth of Agamemnon’s Legend on the West Slope of Mycenae.” CHS Research Bulletin 7 (2019). Abstract  This project combines a comparative study of the ‘biographies’ of the individuals buried in Mycenaean tombs at the west slope… Read more

Local Scripts in Archaic Macedonia

Citation with persistent identifier: Boufalis, Angelos. “Local Scripts in Archaic Macedonia.” CHS Research Bulletin 7 (2019). Up to the end of the fifth century BCE, when the Ionic alphabet was adopted by all Greeks as the common script, the Greek city-states used distinct local scripts, each one setting up its own local… Read more

The Connected World of Potters in Ancient Athens: Collaborations, Connoisseurship, and Social Network Analysis

Citation with persistent identifier: Harris Cline, Diane and Eleni Hasaki. “The Connected World of Potters in Ancient Athens:  Collaborations, Connoisseurship, and Social Network Analysis.” CHS Research Bulletin 7 (2019). Abstract The Social Networks of Athenian Potters project uses social network analysis to map relationships between the black-figure vase painters… Read more

Building Democracy in Late Archaic Athens

Citation with persistent identifier: Paga, Jessica. “Building Democracy in Late Archaic Athens.” CHS Research Bulletin 7 (2019). Abstract Democracy emerged in a specific time and place: ancient Athens, at the end of the 6th century B.C.E.  Its unexpected appearance came at a time of uncertainty, making its robust success surprising and… Read more