
Art in Transition: Damophon of Messene in the Ionian Coast of Greece

Citation with persistent identifier: Melfi, Milena. “Art in Transition: Damophon of Messene in the Ionian Coast of Greece.” CHS Research Bulletin 1, no. 2 (2013). §1  A monumental Doric colum, inscribed with seven decrees in honour of the sculptor Damophon of Messene was found in the Asklepieion of Messene… Read more

The City of Late Hellenistic Delos and the Integration of Economic Activities in the Domestic Sphere

Citation with persistent identifier: Zarmakoupi, Mantha. “The City of Late Hellenistic Delos and the Integration of Economic Activities in the Domestic Sphere.” CHS Research Bulletin 1, no. 2 (2013). §1 Delos, home of the sanctuary of Apollo since the archaic period, underwent a period… Read more

ΠΑΡΑΛΙΑ ΚΑΙ ΜΕΣΟΓΕΙΑ: "Coastalness" and "Inlandness" in the Ancient Greek World

Citation with persistent identifier: Bultrighini, Ilaria. “Παραλία καì Μεσόγεια: ‘Coastalness’ and ‘Inlandness’ in the Ancient Greek World.” CHS Research Bulletin 1, no. 2 (2013). Παραλία καì Μεσόγεια: Coastalness and Inlandness in the Ancient Greek World[1] §1  In the past few years scholarship has dealt more systematically… Read more