
Research Talks, October 20

Our series of informal talks by current fellows continues on Thursday, October 20 at 4:00PM (EST) with presentations by: Cristina Carusi Scuola Normale Superiore “Public Building in Law and Economy of Classical Athens”   Reginald Gibbons Northwestern University “Translating the Poetics of Pindar”… Read more

Research Talks

During the academic year, the current fellows will give talks about the research they are conducting while at the CHS. The series of talks kicks off on Friday, October 7 at 4:00PM (EST) with presentations by: Alexandra Pappas University of Arkansas “Graphic Art: Alphabetic Images in… Read more

CHS Research Symposium

On Saturday, April 30, join us for a live webcast of the CHS Research Symposium, featuring talks by the 2010-11 CHS Fellows in Hellenic Studies. The live webcast will be available at rtsp://, viewable with a Quicktime Player. To download and install Quicktime from Apple, please go to… Read more

Looking inside ancient Greek texts with visualization tools

Since I won't have time to talk about this in detail during my ten minute bit for our Future of Classics discussions, I thought that the blog might be the appropriate forum to pre-emptively follow-up (if such time travel is in fact possible) on a point which I will make tomorrow about what can be done in with relative speed and ease using data and tools that are already available… Read more