
The weaker the body, the stronger the protest

Fellow in Comparative Cultural Studies 2021–22 Abstract This research examines maidens’ somatised emotional responses to womanhood in antiquity, as this is described in the Hippocratic texts, vis-a-vis hysteria in fin de siècle Europe. It examines the sociocultural contexts that gave rise to these female maladies, as well as to their medical diagnoses and proposed… Read more

Conspiracy narratives and authorial intervention in the Roman Archaeology of Dionysius of Halicarnassus

Pre-doctoral Fellow in Hellenic Studies 2021–22 The aim of my proposed research during the pre-Doctoral fellowship on Hellenic Studies was the investigation of the authorial interventions of Dionysius of Halicarnassus in the narration of the conspiracies throughout the Antiquitates Romanae; mainly the first eleven books, because of the fragmentation of the rest of the oeuvre. Dionysius’… Read more

The Case Against Timocrates: Legal Issues and Substantive Arguments against the Unsuitability of Timocrates’ Law (Demosthenes 24.17–109)

Pre-doctoral Fellow in Hellenic  Studies 2021–22 Abstract The research project which I have worked on during my CHS Pre-doctoral Fellowship focuses on the legal argumentation presented by Demosthenes in his speech Against Timocrates (Dem. 24.17–109). This speech was delivered by a certain Diodorus in a public trial against an inexpedient law. In… Read more