
Abstract–Plato and Xenophon on Friendship: A Comparative Study (Plato, Lysis and Xenophon’s Memorabilia 2.6)

The present paper offers a comparative interpretation of Plato’s Lysis and Xenophon’s Memorabilia 2.6 on the topic of friendship. I take as my starting point Dorion’s “Annexe 2” (Dorion 2011, 415-417) which lists the common themes between the Memorabilia and Plato’s Lysis. I insist on and try to interpret the… Read more

Abstract–Early Reperformances of Drama in the Fifth Century: A Fallacy or an Underestimated Tradition?

This paper investigates the early reperformances of ancient Greek drama in the fifth century BC. By reconsidering epigraphical and literary evidence, I seek to challenge the orthodoxy concerning the fourth-century beginning of dramatic reperformances and draw an earlier borderline that goes back to the fifth century. In the first part… Read more

Using Homer for Divination: Homeromanteia in Context

Martín-Hernández, Raquel. “Using Homer for Divination: Homeromanteia in Context.” CHS Research Bulletin 2, no. 1 (2013). Aim   §1  Much has been said about the uses and abuses of the Homeric texts; about whom their users were, how they were used, why, when, how, and where they were performed, and who the… Read more