
Dimensions of Staatlichkeit in the Early Greek World

Citation with persistent identifier: Lundgreen, Christoph. “Dimensions of Staatlichkeit in the Early Greek World.” CHS Research Bulletin 7 (2019). Abstract Leaving behind the old and often fruitless question of whether or not the category ‘state’ is applicable at all for the „pre-Jean-Bodin-world“, my study instead pursues a novel analytical concept… Read more

Epimenides the Cretan: A History of Athens (6th-5th c. BC)

Citation with persistent identifier: Duplouy, Alain. “Epimenides the Cretan: A History of Athens (6th-5th c. BC).” CHS Research Bulletin 7 (2019). Abstract The story of the Cretan seer and poet Epimenides, supposed to have lived for more than 150 years between the seventh and sixth centuries, is full of fancy… Read more

The Eagle and the Owl: Athenian Legacies in Early Ptolemaic Alexandria

Citation with persistent identifier: Amendola, Davide. “The Eagle and the Owl: Athenian Legacies in Early Ptolemaic Alexandria.” CHS Research Bulletin 7 (2019). Abstract The reception of the Athenian model and its impact throughout the Hellenistic world and beyond have increasingly become the focus of recent scholarship. My project proposes to… Read more

The Social Network of Socrates

Persistent identifier with citation: Harris Cline, Diane. “The Social Network of Socrates.” CHS Research Bulletin 7 (2019). To enlarge a figure, click directly on the image. The spreadsheet referred to below is available to download.[1] In recent years Social Network Analysis has become a tool for analyzing a remarkably… Read more