Volume 4

Two Thousand Years of Scholarly Apps

Citation with persistent identifier: Smith, Neel. “Two Thousand Years of Scholarly Apps.” CHS Research Bulletin 4, no. 2 (2016). http://nrs.harvard.edu/urn-3:hlnc.essay:SmithN.Two_Thousand_Years_of_Scholarly_Apps.2016 https://youtu.be/6TwXYHdUiCY Introduction 1§1 What does it mean to edit a text? This is obviously a foundational question for any literary or historical discipline that depends on the study of historical documents,… Read more

The New Order of Time and Cult in Synoecized Poleis

Citation with persistent identifier: Schipporeit, Sven. “The New Order of Time and Cult in Synoecized Poleis.” CHS Research Bulletin 4, no. 2 (2016). http://nrs.harvard.edu/urn-3:hlnc.essay:SchipporeitS.The_New_Order_of_Time_and_Cult.2016 https://youtu.be/y7yUC5wM2-c Synoecized City-states 1§1 In 408/7 BCE the old Rhodian city states of Ialysus, Camirus and Lindus united to form one polis and create a joint capital called… Read more

Democracy and Civic Participation in Greek Cities Under Roman Imperial Rule: Political Practice and Culture in the Post-Classical Period*

Citation with persistent identifier: Brélaz, Cédric. “Democracy and Civic Participation in Greek Cities Under Roman Imperial Rule:  Political Practice and Culture in the Post-Classical Period.” CHS Research Bulletin 4, no. 2 (2016). http://nrs.harvard.edu/urn-3:hlnc.essay:BrelazC.Democracy_and_Civic_Participation.2016 https://youtu.be/24zyYPOtG_0 By the age of Dio Chrysostom and Plutarch the Greek popular Assemblies, the very nerve-centre of Classical… Read more

Prodicus on the Rise of Civilization: Religion, Agriculture, and Culture Heroes

Citation with persistent identifier: Kouloumentas, Stavros. “Prodicus on the rise of civilization: religion, agriculture, and culture heroes.” CHS Research Bulletin 4, no. 2 (2016). http://nrs.harvard.edu/urn-3:hlnc.essay:KouloumentasS.Prodicus_on_the_Rise_of_Civilization.2016 https://youtu.be/smnIgirFgIs 1§1 Three authors who were active in classical Athens seem to have been familiar with Prodicus’ doctrines.[1] Xenophon preserves a speech of Prodicus… Read more

Anaxagoras, Socrates, and the History of “Philosophy”

Citation with persistent identifier: Moore, Christopher. “Anaxagoras, Socrates, and the history of “philosophy.” CHS Research Bulletin 4, no. 2 (2016). http://nrs.harvard.edu/urn-3:hlnc.essay:MooreC.Anaxagoras_Socrates_and_the_History_of_Philosophy.2016 https://youtu.be/OCKSmPDzjlM The tenuous grip of a name 1§1 In all of extant fifth-century Greek literature, authors use the terms philosophos, philosopheô, and philosophia half a dozen times.[1] Those uses… Read more