Volume 1, Issue 2

Volume 1, Issue 2 of the CHS Research Bulletin contains the work of fourteen fellows who conducted research at the Center for Hellenic Studies during the 2012-13 academic year. On April 26, 2013, thirteen fellows presented their research to an audience of faculty, students, and senior fellows at the Center for Hellenic Studies in Washington, DC. This issue includes video from the April symposium.

The persistent identifier for this issue is:

“ΠΑΡΑΛΙΑ ΚΑΙ ΜΕΣΟΓΕΙΑ: ‘Coastalness’ and ‘Inlandness’ in the Ancient Greek World”
Ilaria Bultrighini, “G. d’Annunzio” University of Chieti-Pescara
Abstract | Paper and Video

“Public Slavery, Politics and Expertise in Classical Athens”
Paulin Ismard, Anthropologie et Histoire des Mondes Antiques (UMR 8210)
Abstract | Paper and Video

“Thucydides, 1.89-118: A Multi-Layer Treebank”
Francesco Mambrini, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
Abstract | Paper and Video

“The Tomb Below the Ostrusha Mound and the Painted Prosopa Within the Central Boxes of the Ceiling: Proposal for a New Reading”
Consuelo Manetta, University of Rome “Tor Vergata”
Abstract | Paper and Video

“Dionysos, Divine Space and Dopamine: A Cognitive Approach to the Greek Theatre”
Peter Meineck, New York University
Abstract | Video

“Art in Transition: Damophon of Messene in the Ionian Coast of Greece”
Milena Melfi, University of Oxford
Abstract | Paper and Video

“Compassion in the Making: Lexicographic Explorations in Judeo-Hellenistic Literature”
Francoise Mirguet, Arizona State University
Abstract | Paper and Video

“Domination and Legitimacy in Early Hellenistic Basileia: The Rise of Self-Proclaimed Kings”
Henrique Modanez de Sant Anna, University of Brasilia
Abstract | Paper and Video

“Gender, Genre, and Truth in Pindar: Three Case Studies”
Arum Park, Brigham Young University
Abstract | Paper and Video

“Ages of Athletes: Generational Decline in Philostratus’ Gymnasticus and Archaic Greek Poetry”
Charles Stocking, University of Western Ontario
Abstract | Paper and Video

“Matters of Trust: Associations and Social Capital in Roman Egypt”
Philip F. Venticinque, Cornell College
Abstract | Paper and Video

The Oresteia and Waterloo”
Barbara Witucki, Utica College
Abstract | Paper and Video

“The City of Late Hellenistic Delos and the Integration of Economic Activities in the Domestic Sphere”
Mantha Zarmakoupi, University of Cologne
Abstract | Paper and Video

“Knowing Characters and Knowing Authors: Poetic Knowledge in Early Greece and Early China”
Wei Zhang, Fudan University
Abstract | Paper and Video