
Orestes in Olympia

CHS–International Olympic Academy Pre-doc Fellow in Sport and Society 2020–21 In Euripides’ Electra, Orestes comes to Argos from Phokis to exact revenge from his father’s murderer, Aegisthus, to whom he poses as a Thessalian on a pilgrimage to Olympia. This project, Orestes in Olympia, consists of a description and analysis of the hero’s journey,… Read more

Entangling lyric vision and body: Agency and patiency of perspective in the victory odes

CHS–International Olympic Academy Pre-doc Fellow in Sport and Society 2020–21 Abstract  My project aims at an intra-relational consideration of the concept of perspective in literary studies, taking as a case study the genre of ancient Greek victory odes. The theoretical framework that underlies this objective combines narrative theory with optics and it attempts to… Read more

Botanical Knowledge and Vegetal Poetics in Archaic and Classical Greek Poetry

My current research aims to answer three interrelated questions: (a) What did the botanical knowledge of the archaic and the classical Greek era look like?; (b) how and why did it offer the Greek authors of the time convenient ways of thinking (analogically) about other experiences and realms of speculation, such as society, kinship ties, or the body?; and (c) can the study of the ancient botanical knowledge ultimately help… Read more