Marina Kotzamani
Marina Kotzamani is an Associate Professor in the Theater Department of the University of the Peloponnese. She has a doctorate in Theater from the Graduate Center of CUNY and has also studied Linguistics and Philosophy (M.Sc. MIT, B.A. UCL, London). Her work focuses on the production and reception of classical Greek drama, as well as on the contemporary theater and she has published articles in internationally acclaimed journals including PAJ, Theater and Theatre Journal. She is currently working on a book on the production history of Aristophanes’ Lysistrata from the French revolution to today. Recent work includes two articles on Iannis Xenakis: “Under the starry night: Darkness, Community and Theatricality in Iannis Xenakis’s Mycenae Polytopon” in Theatre in the Dark: Shadow, Gloom and Blackout in Contemporary Theatre, Bloomsbury, (2017) and “Greek History as Environmental Performance: Iannis Xenakis’s Mycenae Polytopon and Beyond” Gramma, (2016). She has also been working as a dramaturg and has collaborated with off and off-off Broadway theater companies in NY, including CSC and LaMama. Moreover, she has been curating exhibitions of contemporary art, including a highly successful exhibition on Bost, at the Benaki Museum in Athens (2013), which will be re-opening this year.