Kim Shelton
Kim Shelton (PhD University of Pennsylvania) is Associate Professor of Classics and the Graduate Group in Ancient History and Mediterranean Archaeology, and Director of the Nemea Center for Classical Archaeology at the University of California, Berkeley. She is an Aegean prehistorian with interests in domestic architecture, ceramic production and economy, and religious ritual. She is the author of several publications on Mycenaean pottery, figurines, cemeteries, the Tsountas House Area of the Cult Center, and her excavation at Petsas House, Mycenae. She also has on-going excavations at the panhellenic Sanctuary of Zeus in Nemea and, in a new collaboration with the Korinthian Ephorate of Antiquities, at the Mycenaean cemetery of Aidonia, where the TAPHOS project is preserving cultural heritage through the excavation of partly looted and unlooted chamber tombs together with public outreach and education. At CHS, she will be working on the final publication of the Petsas House excavation.