Charles Doyen
Charles Doyen (PhD University of Louvain) is a F.R.S–FNRS Research Associate at the University of Louvain, Belgium. His research aims to contextualize the monetary phenomenon in Hellenistic Greece by taking non-numismatic evidence into account. Within this framework, Charles is currently developing an epigraphical corpus of inscriptions related to Hellenistic metrology and accounting practices, as well as a digital database of the commercial weights dated from the Classical and Hellenistic periods. He was appointed to the Francqui Chair at the University of Namur (2013) and was invited as an Assistant Professor at the École pratique des Hautes Études, Paris (2015). He has published Poséidon souverain (revised doctoral dissertation, 2011) and Étalons de l’argent et du bronze en Grèce hellénistique (2012).