Ben Earley
Ben Earley is currently a researcher at the FU Berlin working with Professor Christian Wendt on the project: “Thucydides and Political Order Reconsidered: Towards a 21st Century Reading of the History of the Peloponnesian War.” His research focuses on political readings of Thucydides from the late nineteenth century to the Second World War. He is particularly interested in when Thucydides came to be seen as a relevant thinker in debates over interstate relations, the type of lessons and insights that commentators drew from the text, and the assumptions that underpinned these readings. He recently finished his doctorate on the “Reception of Thucydides in Eighteenth-Century British Thought” at the University of Bristol as part of Professor Neville Morley’s AHRC Reception of Thucydides project. He completed his undergraduate and taught postgraduate degrees at the University of Durham.