
Of incredible and bizarre tales

I should start by noting that my post title refers to Ctesias’ work (at least in Plutarch’s estimation, Artaxerxes 1.4), not what I’m about to write. I’m only a “two-weeker” (and not until March) with regard to physical presence at the CHS. I note with great interest the variety of… Read more

Research Talks, November 17

Our series of informal talks by current fellows continues on Thursday, November 20 at 4:00PM (EST) with presentations by: Andrea Capra University of Milan  “‘Harvesting Homer’: The Voice of Epic in Plato’s Dialogues” Synnøve des Bouvrie University of Tromsø “The Institution of… Read more

'Harvesting Homer'

This is my first post, so let me introduce my research project. I am working on a book-length study provisionally called “‘Harvesting Homer’: the voice of epic in Plato’s dialogues”. Here is my general premise: Plato’s dialogues are often seen as an all-encompassing blend of all previous literary genres, “the… Read more

Women, Property, and Linear B

In Greek antiquity, few issues concerning women created as much regional controversy as women’s abilities to command and control property. Control of property for women in Archaic and Classical Greece varied broadly from site to site with no real consistency across states. While Classical Athenian wives would own only their… Read more