Four grammatika vases bearing signatures are the starting point of this paper, which aims to uncover the people behind the objects, focusing on the quest of their identity and their role in the creation and dissemination of one of the most distinctive varieties of Hellenistic relief pottery. The fusion of literature and scholarship on the surface of everyday vessels, in combination with the archaeological data that point to a sympotic environment and context, gives to this quest a completely new direction, pointing towards a world rather far from the one of pottery workshops and closer to that of libraries. By aiming to analyze the details of this puzzling relationship between γραμματικὴ τέχνη on the one hand and γραμματικὸν ποτήριον on the other, the present paper attempts a fresh reading of the written sources, searching for their common denominator, none other than the γραμματικὸς himself, and using as a guiding thread only one name: Διονύσιος.