Joshua Smith
Joshua Smith is a Hellenist at Johns Hopkins University, where he has served as Assistant Professor since 2015. He received his PhD from the University of Wisconsin in 2013 and subsequently taught at Wisconsin, the University of Chicago, and Cornell College before coming to Hopkins. His primary research focus is on ancient scholarship and the history of literary criticism, with secondary interests in ancient medicine and lyric poetry. Publications include an article on rhipsaspia in the work of Archilochus, Alcaeus, Anacreon, and Horace (American Journal of Philology 136.2); a textbook on Greek and Latin medical terminology (The Hippocrates Code, co-authored with J.C. McKeown, Hackett, 2016); and two forthcoming articles: 1) an exploration of the degree to which ancient readers viewed Sophocles through a Homeric lens and 2) a discussion of how and why ancient commentators sometimes accuse canonical Greek authors of having misread Homer. His current large-scale project is a book-length study on the history of Homeric citation in the ancient commentary, a project that tackles traditional philological problems with the help of tools and perspectives from the digital humanities.