Emilio Rosamilia
Emilio Rosamilia completed his PhD in Classics and Ancient History at the Scuola Normale Superiore of Pisa (2016). After his defense, he served as a postdoctoral research assistant at the same institution for the Greek Envoys and Diplomacy in the Hellenistic and Roman World project (2017) and subsequently held the Italian Fellowship in Ancient Studies at the American Academy in Rome (2018). Member of the Italian Archeological Mission to Cyrene since 2012, he has also held visiting fellowships at the École Française d’Athènes (2012 and 2014), the École Normale Supérieure de Lyon (2013), and the Kommission für alte Geschichte und Epigraphik in Munich (2016). His research focuses mainly on the study of political, institutional, economic, and social aspects of ancient Greek civilization through inscriptions. While he has published widely on artisans and artists in Greek colonial environments, he is currently revising his PhD thesis on the institutional and economic history of ancient Cyrene during the Classical and Hellenistic periods, which will be submitted for publication to the Edizioni della Normale (Pisa) in May 2019. The purpose of his research at the CHS is to study royal gifts of silver and gold cups mentioned in temple inventories dating from the Hellenistic period from a mainly numismatic point of view. Starting from the new edition of a Cyrenaean document, he will try to shed light on the hoarding and spending dynamics of non-monetized silver and gold in Hellenistic courts.