Christopher Moore
Christopher Moore (PhD University of Minnesota) is Assistant Professor of Philosophy and Classics at The Pennsylvania State University. His dissertation, “Socratic Persuasion,” addressed Socrates’ self-presentation in the language of democracy, oratory, and seduction, and argued for an analysis of persuasion that weakens the charges against it of epistemic poverty. He has published a range of articles on the Socratic circle, the Platonic dialogues, and ancient Greek moral vocabulary. A book, Socrates and Self-Knowledge, will come out with Cambridge UP in 2015; it describes the relationship between the Delphic gnôthi sauton and Socratic philosophy. He is now finishing an edited collection on the Socratic literature from the fifth-century BC through late antiquity and co-authoring a translation of and commentary on Plato’s Charmides. His CHS book project describes the coining of and earliest debates about the word philosophos.